Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Ahhhh what a cute outfit, sure hope it's a girl, lol....

There goes Jenn buying stuff already. We must ban her from all baby departments till after the baby shower in March. Still a chance this may be a boy, sure would look silly in a dress. LOL. Posted by Picasa

Nursery - Day 3

Okay, here we are after the 3rd of working on this nursery. Valance installed over window. Crib, dresser, and changing table put together. Mike has to go to work in the morning, so decorating will have to hold off for a few days.
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Nursery - Day 2

Well here we are after the second day. Doors and trim painted white. Peek-a-Pooh border put on the walls, this was a pain. Wall border does not like to stick to textured walls very well. Also, put up the blinds to keep out nosey neighbors, lol.

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Nursery - Day 1

Here is how things looked after the first day of work. Ceiling and inside of closet painted white. Four walls painted blue on the bottom and pink, green, purple, and yellow on the top.

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